Learn How to Use Rotate Option On Image in Photoscape

Learn How to Use Rotate Option On Image in Photoscape.

How to Rotate an Image in Photoscape, In Which, you can rotate or flip an image by clicking the “Image” menu and selecting an option from the “Image Rotation” sub menu. It’s also possible to rotate individual layers (instead of an entire image) using the software’s Transform tool. Rotating/flipping images and layers is fast and easy once you get to know the to,

* “180 degrees”: Rotates the image ½ of the way around a complete circle.

* “90 degrees CW”: Rotates the image to the right (clockwise) ¼ of a complete circle.

* “90 degrees CCW”: Rotates the image to the left (counter-clockwise) ¼ of the way around a circle.

* “Arbitrary”: This allows you to specify the angle you’d like to rotate the image. You’ll be able to type the angle (in degrees) as well as the direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise).

* “Flip Canvas Horizontal”: Flips the entire image as if shown in a mirror (horizontally).

* “Flip Canvas Vertical”.
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