Learn How To Create Gmail Account (EduTech)

Learn How To Create Gmail Account.

In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get started with email by creating an account in Gmail.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a Gmail account Step 1: Go to Google
Open up your internet browser and go to the Google home page: http://www.google.com and then click on Gmail at the top right corner of the page.
Step 2: Create an account You’ll now be in the ‘Sign in’ section. As you don’t have a Google account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account. Step 4: Set-up
To set up your new account, Google needs some information about you – first, your first and last names. The ‘choose your username’ is the unique email address that you wish to use, which will be placed before ‘@gmail.com’. Because it needs to be unique, Google may have to check the availability of any name that you decide on to make sure that no one already has it. Type an email name into the ‘choose your username’ box and then fill out the rest of your information.
Step 5: verification To get to the next steps you will need to accept Google's privacy terms first, once you have read it click on I Agree. Google will now ask you to verify your account via text or voice call, select the option that you want and click on Continue. If you choose the text message option you will see a new window where you will have to enter the code that Google has sent to your mobile number. Select Continue and congratulate you for creating your Gmail account. Step 6: Google mail dashboard

You will be automatically redirected to Gmail's dashboard and once you have read all of the information your Gmail is now ready to use. On the left-hand side, you will be able to see your inbox, send mail, and trash, you will also be able to compose emails from this list too. Step 7: Completing your setup You can complete your Google mail setup by clicking the available resources on the dashboard.
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