Learn How To Create Hyperlink On Text In HTML

Learn How To Create Hyperlink On Text In HTML

Learn How To Create Hyperlinks On Text In HTML, In this video, you will learn how to create Hyperlinks in HTML code, or how to make it look like the text on this video. Learn How To Create Hyperlink On Text In HTML.

Hyperlinks are one of the most exciting innovations the Web has to offer. Well, they've been a feature of the Web since the very beginning, but they are what makes the Web a Web — they allow us to link our documents to any other document (or another resource) we want to. We can also link to specific parts of documents, and we can make apps available at a simple web address. In contrast to native apps, which have to be installed and all that business.

A web page can contain various links that take you directly to other pages and even specific parts of a given page. These links are known as hyperlinks.

Hyperlinks allow visitors to navigate between Web sites by clicking on words, phrases, and images. Thus you can create hyperlinks using text or images available on a web page.

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