First Program In Java Part_4 |EduTech|

First Program In Java

In this video, our plan is to lead you into the world of Java programming by taking you through the three basic steps required to get a simple program running.

We break the process of programming in Java into three steps.

Create the program by typing it into a text editor and saving it to a file name, say,

Compile it by typing "javac" in the terminal window.

Execute (or run) it by typing "java My Program" in the terminal window.

Java is case touchy Programming language. All code, commands, and file names have to is used in constant casing. First Program is now not equal as firs program.
If you reproduction and paste the identical code in IDE like Eclipse the compiling and execution is accomplished with the click on of a button Using IDE is handy and improves your efficiency however considering the fact that you are studying Java, we propose you stick to notepad.

Thanks for Watching My Friends.

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