How To Use Hexa # color in HTML

How To Use  Hexa # color in HTML

Learn Heaxa # color in HTML. If the colors are defined with "#FFF FFF" as done in the above example, the values indicate the intensity of the colors, red, green, and blue in the hexadecimal.

Black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta or fuchsia, cyan or aqua, purple, gray, lime, maroon, navy, olive, silver, teal. To set the background color of a web page in HTML, you’ll just need to make a quick change to the “body” depending on what you want your background to look like.
Black "#000000" Blue "#0000FF" White "#FFFFFF" Red "#FF0000" Green "#00FF00" Magenta "#FF00FF"
Yellow "#FFFF00"

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